Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I Only Have Eyes for You

A week ago, I tried to finish a painting for DPW challenge; to paint a pair that stays together for life.  I found this reference on which allows you to use photos for reproduction.  I don't know if these two mate for life, but I like to think they do.  I missed the deadline anyway.  I used the limited palette  of Cad Yellow Lt, Cad orange, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine blue, black, white, and of course, turquoise.

I Only Have Eyes for You
12 x 9"
Oil on Canvas Board
Go to DPW link to right to purchase

Monday, February 23, 2015

Golden Fruit

What a week of procrastination!
I have a studio of unfinished paintings, put aside for something more interesting.  So, I have decided not to start anything  new until I finish the pile of nearly done paintings.  I always work on several paintings at a time.  When I hit a problem, I stop, put the painting aside and let it "marinate".  I walk by it, make notes on what I like and don't like and then put it back on the easel.  I usually can finish it in one session.  But not lately.  This is going to change as I now tackle my pile. As a result, I'm posting an older painting.  This was one that never worked.  It was a much larger painting where I cut it down to what I liked,  three pears.  Hope I soon get out of this slump!

Golden Fruit
9 x 12"
Oil on Canvas Board
Go to DPW to purchase

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

White Cranes

This is the second painting using a limited palette of:
Cad Yellow light
Cad orange
Alizarin Crimson Perm
Thalo Blue

The white cranes were really the problem to solve.  Remembering white is a middle value in shadow helped.  I didn't get the vibrant colors to show in the photo. This is the centerpiece in my dining room.

White Cranes
8" x 6" 
Oil on Canvas Board
$40 Auction

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Blue Prickly Pear

For the past two months, the Guild has used a limited palette.  This one is influenced by Ned Jacobs.  As a colorist, I had to add an accent color, turquoise.  The limited palette is as follows: 
Cad Yellow Light
Permanent Pink
Thalo Blue
Titanium White 

It's been a challenge limiting the "convenience" colors.  It is amazing what one can mix when limited to 6 colors.

Blue Prickly Pear
9" x 12"
Oil on Canvas Board

Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Slice of Apple

My husband came into my studio and saw this painting.  "How do you paint like that", he asked.  I tried to explain fracturing to him, but he was lost.  If I was thinking, I would have had him watch "the expert" explain it on her video.  To understand fracturing, you can buy a wonderful video that explains it so well.  On Daily Paint Works, find the artist, Julie Ford Oliver.  On her page you will see the video she produced on fracturing.  Its the best $15 you will spend on an art technique.

A Slice of Apple
8 x 6"
Oil on Canvas 
$40 Auction
Go to Daily Paint Works to bid

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fractured Pomegranate

Here is a study of a pomegranate I did in a workshop on fracturing.  Fracturing is a wonderful technique developed by Julie Ford Oliver where you paint a painting and then "destroy" it by "fracturing" it with lines you then repaint.  It is not at all easy, but sometimes I can actually produce something I like.  As you can see, it is not like the other two I posted  before in style.  I had a conversation with a dear friend and wonderful artist yesterday and we both are really struggling on what style we like and want to adopt as our own.  I guess if it was easy, it wouldn't be challenging.

Fractured Pomegranate

6 x 8 "
Oil on Paper
Study NFS

Friday, February 6, 2015

Abundant Harvest

Since I started showing a painting of a  pomegranates on my last post, I thought I would continue with them.  I'm sure you can see how I am struggling to find "my" style.  (just wait until you see the next post).  By comparing the two paintings, you wouldn't know they were painted by the same artist.
I love painting on a black canvas and this was the start of this one.  I don't think the colors were as vibrant as the last post, but I think the palette is harmonious.  I am amazed how cerebral painting is when you try to incorporate and all the principles into a painting.  Today, I actually forgot to think about warm and cool  (I'll post that one later, hopefully corrected).

Abundant Harvest
9 x 12"
Oil on Canvas

Monday, February 2, 2015

Blue Bowl with Pomegranates

I love pomegranates and love painting them.  The painting of them changed dramatically when I changed from an instructor to a real teacher of art.  My previous instructor did not let us use Alizarin Crimson on our palette.   My reds really lacked in richness.  Once Julie Ford Oliver encouraged me to make my reds with Alizarin, my paintings changed dramatically.  This is a painting I did a few years ago.  Julie encouraged me to "repaint" it and I am enjoying the dramatic difference.

Blue Bowl with Pomegranates
11" x 14"
Oil on Canvas
Go to My Daily Paint Works to Purchase