Monday, September 14, 2015

Celebration of Our Mountains

For the last 15 years, El Paso has celebrated the mountains that surround it and divide the city in half.  From August through December, hikes, lectures and other events are offered to the public to better acquaint everyone with the environs in which we live.  One of the events is a Juried Art show at Ardovino's Desert Crossing where regional artist are invited to submit their art to a jury for display at Ardovinos September 24 through December.  
As an artist, I am not drawn to landscapes.  But last year in the Artist build of Southern New Mexico, I began experimenting with the palette knife to create mountains.  I actually did 3 paintings of "Neon Desert".  The first one was in a mentoring class, the second in an art workshop and finally the one I entered was done in my studio.
"Neon Desert"
12" x 16"
Oil on Canvas Board

The second one selected was one that sat unfinished on an easel in my studio for months.  I decided to try my knife work on it as well.  We had been to Big Bend earlier in the year and I found the desert beautiful there.  This was from a photo looking into the gorge where the Rio Grande cuts through the mountains.

"Big Bend"
12" x 9"
Oil on Canvas Board

If you are around the area, the opening of the show if Thursday, September 24, 6PM to PM. The show runs through December.  Hope you can find a way to celebrate our mountains!